Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Coalgate #1

I came reluctantly this time
Not wanting to unnecessarily spend my energy on others

But here, I am unfolded 
By a quiet hum of something that is not quite joy

Bandaging me in peace

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Deletion or All the Grace I can Muster

I want to take your life in my hands and
Scrub it clean of me

Erase my songs
Send back my poems
Do not even think of me

But, there is love
Although not between us
And that love-that-is-not-between-us
Compells me to stand very still
And do nothing at all.

The Monthly

What I long for is
A chest to lay my head on
Hands to hold
Arms to rest in

West Coast # 1

My bag is extra heavy today
Filled with stones.

I have come here
Where everything is perfectly in its place
And it has made me long for pieces of that belonging

I will take the pieces home and
Put them on the sill
On the shelves
By my bed

I will see them from time to time and think
I, too, belong.

I see another and add it to my bag.

Tauranga Bay, West Coast

Rocky hull of a ship
Mired in the sea bed
Just off the coast

Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Hide and Seek

I write it down
And draw lines around it

Then I undraw the lines because
Prayer is not the thin thing I once thought
It is a big, wide, deep thing

An endless movement from many places
In, to one place
An open door between my heart and your heart
A trickle, a river, a flash flood
A quick dash for high ground
And a quiet wandering in a sunlit summer dusk

Prayer is an ache I carry in my heart
Wordless and deep
A waterfall making its inexorable way to you
An angry sea returning
Over and
To the constant shore

Prayer is a bird song
Quick and telling
From back behind me in the bush
A yellow flower floating on a millpond sea

A shell
A leaf
A seed pod
A word
An image
A blue light

Inside me,
It is the pull toward you that never lets me go

Prayer is me waiting for you
And you waiting for me